REMINDER: BEGINNING JAN 1, 2015, ALL IHCA EVENT REGISTRATION FEES MUST BE PAID IN FULL, PRIOR TO ALL EVENTS, TO RECEIVE NAME BADGES AND ENTER SESSIONS! . IF we have not received payment by the Friday prior to the training, you will be required to provide a credit card for payment.
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Honor your social services staff for the important work they do helping families and residents confront, cope with and overcome challenges. Show your appreciation by registering them for a day of training and recognition of the difference they make in the lives of others.
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1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (1.5 CEUs)
MDS/CAA/Care Planning for Social Services | Robin Hillier, RLH Consulting
Robin is an RAI Master Teacher. Upon completion of this session you will be better equipped to accurately complete sections of the MDS and CAAs typically assigned to the social services professional. Bring your questions, leave with answers!
2:45 pm – 3:45 pm (1.0 CEU)
Ethics – How to Create and Sustain an Ethics Committee and Develop a Framework for Addressing Challenging Ethical Issues in Your Facility | Oni Kinberg, LCSW, MSW, Director of Social Services, Idaho State Veterans Home-Boise
1. Attendees will learn about possible structures for ethics committees
2. Attendees will learn about decision making frameworks for challenging ethical issues
3. Attendees will hear about ethical issues that have come up during past year and how others have addressed them.
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm (1.0 CEU)
Rights, Responsibilities & the Law…Granny Cams | David Wilson, Elder Law Attorney, Ahrens DeAngeli Law Group
Legal, administrative, and practical issues surrounding the use of both granny cams and other cameras around the building in long-term care facilities. This presentation will review the relevant laws along with the risks, benefits, and challenges. We will cover various statutes/regulations, HIPAA, privacy, social media, wiretapping, employment issues and more.
[/restab] [restab title=”Handouts” ]Handouts
[/restab] [restab title=”Fees” ]Fees
- $79/person
Cancellations & No-Shows
Cancellations are subject to a $50.00 fee if made more than seven (7) business days prior to the event. There will be no refund or credit granted for “no-shows” and cancelled registration within seven (7) business days of the event. Training dates are subject to change. Additional dates may be added due to demand. Please note — IHCA reserves the right to re-schedule any training that does not meet minimum registration requirements.