REMINDER: BEGINNING JAN 1, 2015, ALL IHCA EVENT REGISTRATION FEES MUST BE PAID IN FULL, PRIOR TO ALL EVENTS, TO RECEIVE NAME BADGES AND ENTER SESSIONS!!! IF we have not received payment by the Friday prior to the training you will be required to pay by credit card.
[restabs alignment=”osc-tabs-left” responsive=”true” tabcolor=”#dd3333″ tabheadcolor=”#ffffff” seltabcolor=”#dd9933″ seltabheadcolor=”#ffffff” tabhovercolor=”#dd9933″ contentcolor=”#ffffff”] [restab title=”Course Overview” active=”active”]Course Overview
In today’s regulatory and economic climate performance excellence is more vital than ever, especially in relation to Infection Control. This five-day virtual seminar will show you how to achieve award winning excellence for your facility including a systems approach to key aspects of quality improvement, infection control and survey management. Topics will include a comprehensive review of the requirements of participation as well as how to establish systems and standards for the major clinical requirements. Information on basic and advance methods for infection control surveillance, continuous quality improvement including measuring and analyzing data, is included.
1. Review and discuss the Federal Requirements and their interpretive guidelines.
2. Discuss policies and procedures needed for compliance in the Federal Requirements.
3. Design work processes and systems for quality care.
4. List the key criteria of an effective quality management system.
5. Develop key performance measures based on systems design.
6. Analyze the role of the Nurse Manager in policy and procedure development and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Virtual Training
Participants will be assigned several reading assignments and are expected to actively participate in class discussions and exercises. There will be a post test to be completed for each program module.
[/restab] [restab title=”Course Instructor”]Course Instructor
This training will be presented by Demi Haffenreffer, RN, MBA. Demi has made long-term care her profession since 1973, first as a Director of Nursing and for the last thirty-five years as a consultant. Demi is known as a dynamic and interesting presenter. Her thorough knowledge of the regulations combined with her extensive hands-on experience provide for practical, everyday solutions to the challenges facing the care giver and facility.
In 2011, Demi assisted the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care with a CMS grant to publish the Model Program for Quality Performance called “QAPI.” Demi is a facilitator for the AHCA Leadership Excellence Self-Assessment System and is currently serving on the Washington Health Care Association Quality Improvement Committee. She has served on the American Healthcare Association (AHCA) Quality Improvement Committee, Oregon State Resident Safety Review Council, the Steering Committee of MOVE (Making Oregon Vital for Elders, an outreach of the Pioneer Network), as a member of Oregon Patient Safety Commission, and as a Master Examiner on the Board of Examiners for the AHCA’s Quality Improvement Award, an award granted to the top performing facilities in the Nation. Demi has taught workshops nationally and internationally on a variety of subjects pertinent to long-term care and has authored five policy and procedure manuals.
Her depth of knowledge, breadth of experience and her communication skills have made her a sought after resource and advocate for facilities facing regulatory disputes, as well as for expert review and testimony for attorneys facing litigation in the Pacific Northwest and nationwide.
[/restab] [restab title=”Agenda”]Agenda
AGENDA is subject to revision.
May 12th: 9 am – 1 pm Mountain Time
- Course Overview
- Nurse Managers’ Role and Responsibilities
- Review of the major systems approach to quality care
- Requirements of Participation – Resident Rights and Abuse Requirements
- Compliance issues
- System development
- Application of the requirements to survey situations
May 13th: 9 am – 1 pm
- Requirements of Participation – Admission, Assessment and Care Planning – Initial review of Quality of Care Requirements
- Compliance issues
- System development
- Application of requirements to survey situations
May 14th: 9 am – 1 pm
- Requirements of Participation – Continued review of Quality of Care Requirements to include pressure injuries, nutrition, accident prevention, siderails, pain and more.
- Compliance issues
- System development
- Application of requirements to survey situations
May 20th: 9 am – 1 pm
- Requirements of Participation – Infection Control & other Administrative Requirements
- Compliance issues
- System development
- Application of requirements to survey situations
May 21st: 9 am – 1 pm
- Quality Management system
- Key Components
- Quality defined
- Setting performance measures
- Measuring and analyzing
- Survey Management
- Leadership roles in a quality management system
Handouts will be e-mailed to registrants.
[/restab] [restab title=”Fees” ]Fees
- $450/person
Registration/payment for a live ZOOM webinar does not guarantee CEUs will be awarded.
One [1] CEU is awarded for every sixty [60] minutes of actual live ZOOM webinar presentation time.
CEUs are awarded only to those individuals:
Who are “registered” for the LIVE ZOOM webinar (no substitutions are made). Registered attendees receive a log-in link unique to the registrant and with a note that the link is “unique” and not to be shared, and with an additional NOTE: “IF you share your unique registration link or the phone number, you risk losing CEUs for this program!”
In actual attendance of the presentation (ZOOM “Attendance Report” documents actual time logged-in and logged-out. During the housekeeping comments, registered attendees are informed “to receive CEUs you must attend the entire presentation and complete the polling question at the end of the presentation.”
At the end of the presentation a polling question is provided for the registered attendee to “certify they have attended the entire presentation.”
IHCA staff will pull “Attendees”; “Q&A” and “Poll” reports from ZOOM to ascertain registrants on the webinar, length of time they were on and completion of the polling “certifying” they attended the entire program. Only those registrants will have their name submitted to receive CEUs.
Registrants are not to share their log-in link or webinar phone number. Doing so could result in the authorized registrant not receiving CEUs for the session.
If a registrant is unable to attend, there is a link at the bottom of their registration e-mail, 1 day, and 1-hour reminder e-mails that allows them to cancel their registration for a refund, prior to the start of the webinar.
Registrants must retain copies of their CEU certificate and any handouts in the ev�nt they are audited by the licensing agency.
Education offered by IHCA may also be sufficient for other license types (i.e. social work, certified dietary manager, etc.) as long as the learning objectives and educational levels of the presenter(s) meet the licensure requirements. It is up to each attendee to determine the appropriateness of a session and whether it will meet the requirements of their license type.
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