AHCA Infection Preventionist Specialized Training – IPCO

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Who should be interested?

This course provides specialized training for healthcare professionals who seek to serve as Infection Preventionists. Through this Infection Preventionist Specialized Training (IPCO) course, individuals will be specially trained to effectively implement and manage an Infection Prevention and Control Program at their center.

If you have questions about the scholarship available for this course, contact Monica Perry @ 208.343.9735 or monica@idhca.org

2018 IHCA / Idaho HAI Infection Control Educational Scholarship – “REQUEST for Partial Registration Reimbursement” form – HERE

Note: AHCA Infection Preventionist Specialized Training course completion must occur within 9 months of the date the registrant starts the program. Participants must complete all training modules and successfully pass quizzes and final test with a grade of 80 or above to receive a certificate of completion from AHCA.

Idaho HAI Scholarship program requests MUST be received in the IHCA Office by: December 15, 2018.

Upon receipt & acceptance of the supporting documentation (Proof of Registration / AHCA tuition paid in full & proof of successful completion of the course), IHCA will reimburse the first twenty-four [24] facilities that submit the request form & proof of paid tuition & course completion, $225 of the cost of the registration.  (Reimbursement is limited to one per facility unless additional monies are available at the end of the year.)

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Information & to Register Now!

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