[restab title=”Course Overview” active=”active”]
Course Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the healthcare industry to its core. Infection prevention and control practices have been challenged at every corner. This course will review how COVID-19 spreads, how to track and report the illness including the regulatory requirements for infection prevention and control. It will review the basics of infection prevention and control practices and will look at the future of infection prevention and control.
The course will also describe the process for cohorts and utilizing testing to inform cohort practices. It will look at how to conduct self-assessment processes to continually evaluate and improve the infection prevention and control program in long-term care centers. Lastly, the course will review the process and necessity of screening practices and notifications to residents, families, and their representatives including the importance of communication.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the biology and spread of COVID-19
- Explain the regulatory requirements
- Discuss tracking illness and reporting to states/NHSN
- Identify steps for monitoring staff use of PPE, TBC, and handwashing
- Describe the process of creating cohorts
- Discuss using ICAR to conduct self-assessment
- Explain the process and necessity for screening visitors
- Discuss notifying residents, families, and resident representatives
- Review infection prevention and control in the post-COVID-19 world
3.0 NAB approved CEs and 3 contact hours for nurses through the Iowa Board of Nursing will be awarded upon successful completion of the quiz.
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Infection Prevention & Control in the Post-COVID-19 World materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
[restab title=”Certificate”]
Certificate of Completion
3.0 NAB approved CEs and 3 contact hours for nurses through the Iowa Board of Nursing will be awarded upon successful completion of the quiz.
[/restab] [restab title=”Fees”]Fees
Intended Audience:
Nurses, Administrators, Nursing Home Leadership/Mgmt (Clinical and Non-Clinical Leaders)
- $199 AHCA/NCAL members
- $249 general public/ nonmembers
Registrants should retain copies of their CEU certificate and any course handouts, in the event they are audited by their licensing agency.
Education offered by IHCA may be applicable to a variety of license types (i.e. Social Worker, Certified Dietary Manager, etc.), as long as the learning objectives and educational levels of the presenter(s) meet the licensure requirements. It is up to each attendee to determine the appropriateness of a session and whether it will meet the requirements of their license type.