REMINDER: BEGINNING JAN 1, 2015, ALL IHCA EVENT REGISTRATION FEES MUST BE PAID IN FULL, PRIOR TO ALL EVENTS, TO RECEIVE NAME BADGES AND ENTER SESSIONS! . IF we have not received payment by the Friday prior to the training, you will be required to provide a credit card for payment.
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NOTE: This is NOT an AANAC Certification Course.
Spend 6 half-days with Robin Hillier, CPA, STNA, LNHA RAC-MT an AANAC Master Teacher.
Intended audience: MDS Coordinators and others in the IDT involved in coding the MDS
Robin is a certified public accountant, state tested nurse aide and licensed nursing home administrator who is also resident assessment coordinator certified and a master trainer through the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination (AANAC).
She is President of RLH Consulting, which provides reimbursement, accounting and operational consulting to long term care providers.
Robin is a member of AANAC’s Expert Advisory Panel and Editorial Board. Robin served as Secretary/Treasurer of the American Health Care Association Board of Governors and as a member of the OHCA Board of Directors. She is Past President of both OHCA and EFOHCA. RLH Consulting is an OHCA Platinum Champion Partner.
[/restab] [restab title=”Agenda”]Agenda
December 1st – 1 pm – 5 pm MT
December 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th, & 10th – 9 am – 1 pm MT
This six half-day intensive boot camp provides an in-depth training on the RAI process, quality measurement and the Patient Driven Payment Model. This program will help nursing facility staff better understand MDS coding, what causes quality measures to trigger and how the new Medicare payment methodology works.
Learning Objectives:
- State the requirements for setting assessment reference dates
- Verbalize the process for conducting resident interviews
- Describe the differences between section G and section GG and the coding instructions for both sections
- Articulate what makes a diagnosis active and how Section I effects Medicare reimbursement
- State how section J impacts quality measures and reimbursement and proper coding instructions
- Describe how to code section K and its impact on PDPM and quality measures
- Identify the qualifications for pressure ulcer staging
- Articulate which physical restraint items impact quality measures and how an alarm can be considered to be a restraint
- Describe the requirements for completing a significant change in status assessment
- Articulate the process for completing Care Area Assessments
- State the five case mix adjusted components under PDPM and which MDS items effect each component
- Identify the required PPS assessments under PDPM
Session One – December 1, 2020 (1:00 – 5:00 MT)
Overview of the RAI Process
Basics of Assessment Timing and Scheduling
Significant Change in Status
MDS Sections A and B
Conducting Resident Interviews
MDS Sections C, D, and E
Session Two – December 2, 2020 (9:00 – 1:00 MT)
MDS Section F
MDS Section G and Related Quality Measures
MDS Section GG and Related Quality Measures’
MDS Section H and Related Quality Measures
Session Three – December 3, 2020 (9:00 – 1:00 MT)
MDS Sections I, J, K and Falls Related Quality Measures
MDS Section M and Related Quality Measures
MDS Section N and Related Quality Measures
Session Four – December 8, 2020 (9:00 – 1:00 MT)
MDS sections O, P, Q, V, X and Z
Care Area Assessments
Care Planning
Session Five – December 9, 2020 (9:00 – 1:00 MT)
Quality Measures and the Five Star Rating System
Session 6 – December 10, 2020 (9:00 – 1:00 MT)
Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM)
Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program (SNF QRP)
Handouts will be e-mailed to registrants.
[/restab] [restab title=”Fees” ]Fees
- $399/person
Registration/payment for a live ZOOM webinar does not guarantee CEUs will be awarded.
One [1] CEU is awarded for every sixty [60] minutes of actual live ZOOM webinar presentation time.
CEUs are awarded only to those individuals:
Who are “registered” for the LIVE ZOOM webinar (no substitutions are made). Registered attendees receive a log-in link unique to the registrant and with a note that the link is “unique” and not to be shared, and with an additional NOTE: “IF you share your unique registration link or the phone number, you risk losing CEUs for this program!”
In actual attendance of the presentation (ZOOM “Attendance Report” documents actual time logged-in and logged-out. During the housekeeping comments, registered attendees are informed “to receive CEUs you must attend the entire presentation and complete the polling question at the end of the presentation.”
At the end of the presentation a polling question is provided for the registered attendee to “certify they have attended the entire presentation.”
IHCA staff will pull “Attendees”; “Q&A” and “Poll” reports from ZOOM to ascertain registrants on the webinar, length of time they were on and completion of the polling “certifying” they attended the entire program. Only those registrants will have their name submitted to receive CEUs.
Registrants are not to share their log-in link or webinar phone number. Doing so could result in the authorized registrant not receiving CEUs for the session.
If a registrant is unable to attend, there is a link at the bottom of their registration e-mail, 1 day, and 1-hour reminder e-mails that allows them to cancel their registration for a refund, prior to the start of the webinar.
Registrants must retain copies of their CEU certificate and any handouts in the ev�nt they are audited by the licensing agency.
Education offered by IHCA may also be sufficient for other license types (i.e. social work, certified dietary manager, etc.) as long as the learning objectives and educational levels of the presenter(s) meet the licensure requirements. It is up to each attendee to determine the appropriateness of a session and whether it will meet the requirements of their license type.
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