Date: April 2 – 4, 2024
Time: 8:30am to 4pm
Location: Best Western Plus in Coeur d’Alene Garnet Room
[restabs alignment=”osc-tabs-left” responsive=”true” tabcolor=”#dd3333″ tabheadcolor=”#ffffff” seltabcolor=”#dd9933″ seltabheadcolor=”#ffffff” tabhovercolor=”#dd9933″ contentcolor=”#ffffff”] [restab title=”Course Overview” active=”active”]Course Overview
This is NOT an AANAC Certification course.
Spend 3-days with Robin Hillier, CPA, STNA, LNHA RAC-MT an AANAC Master Teacher.
Intended audience: All members of the IDT involved in the RAI assessment and care planning process but especially MDS Coordinators.
This three-day intensive is designed to support the MDS Coordinator and other key members of facility leadership such as Administrators, Directors of Nursing, Rehab Directors and Nutrition Services professionals who need to understand how the MDS effects reimbursement and quality measures. MDS staff are encouraged to attend all three days, while other team members can register for individual days or the entire intensive depending on their needs and interests.
Robin is a certified public accountant, state tested nurse aide and licensed nursing home administrator who is also resident assessment coordinator certified and a master trainer through the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination (AANAC).
She is President of RLH Consulting, which provides reimbursement, accounting and operational consulting to long term care providers.
Robin is a member of AANAC’s Expert Advisory Panel and Editorial Board. Robin served as Secretary/Treasurer of the American Health Care Association Board of Governors and as a member of the OHCA Board of Directors. She is Past President of both OHCA and EFOHCA. RLH Consulting is an OHCA Platinum Champion Partner.
[/restab] [restab title=”Agenda”]Agenda
Ultimate MDS Intensive:
Intended audience: MDS Coordinators and others in the IDT involved in coding the MDS
Session 1
This session will discuss MDS coding instructions for MDS items used in reimbursement and quality measures, the schedule for OBRA required assessments, Care Area Assessments and care planning.
Describe the resident interview process.
Describe how to code Section E: Behaviors
Describe how to code Section G: Activities of Daily Living
Describe how to code Section GG: Functional Abilities and Goals
Describe how to code Section I: Active Diagnoses
Describe how to code Section K: Swallowing Disorder
Describe how to code Section M: Skin
Describe how to code Section N: Medications
Describe how to code Section O: Special Treatment, Procedures and Programs
Describe how to code Section P: Restraints and Alarms
Describe the OBRA required assessment schedule
Describe the Care Area Assessments and care planning processes
Session 2
Ultimate Reimbursement Intensive:
Intended audience: Administrators, Directors of Nursing, MDS Coordinators and other IDT members
This session will provide the information regarding the Patient Driven Payment Model used for Medicare and the RUG III classification system used in the Idaho Medicaid reimbursement methodology. This session will also provide operational strategies to help your facility be successful.
Describe the rate components under PDPM and how each are calculated
Describe the variable per diem rate adjustment methodologies
Describe the interrupted stay policy
Describe the optional Interim Payment Assessment
Describe the compliance implications of PDPM
Describe the RUG III resident classification system and its role in Medicaid reimbursement
Describe operational strategies for capturing acuity for reimbursement programs
Session 3
Ultimate QM Intensive:
Intended audience: Administrators, Directors of Nursing, MDS Coordinators and other IDT members
This session will provide everything you need to know about quality measure calculations, the SNF Quality Reporting Program (SNF QRP) and how to monitor your performance against the 80% threshold to avoid a Medicare rate reduction, updates to the Medicare Value Based Purchasing Program (VBP), and the CMS 5-Star rating program. It will also provide tips on quality improvement.
Describe the basics of quality measure calculations: short stay vs. long stay, risk adjustments, percentile ranking
Describe SNF QRP and the Annual Payment Update
Describe Medicare Value Based Purchasing
Describe the domains and calculations used in the CMS 5-Star rating methodology
Best Western Plus
506 W Appleway Avenue
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
A rate of $139/night plus taxes. Link below:
Cut Off Date: March 27th
[/restab] [restab title=”Fees” ]Fees
- $399/person
- $449/person (Late Registration)
Cancellations & No-Shows
Cancellations are subject to a $50.00 fee if made more than seven (7) business days prior to the event. There will be no refund or credit granted for “no-shows” and cancelled registration within seven (7) business days of the event. Training dates are subject to change. Additional dates may be added due to demand. Please note — IHCA reserves the right to re-schedule any training that does not meet minimum registration requirements.